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Unplugging the Profits: Why Your Business Needs an Energy Buying Strategy

Unplugging the Profits: Why Your Business Needs an Energy Buying Strategy

Energy costs consistently rank among the top operating expenses for businesses across most industries. Whether you’re running a small startup or a multinational corporation, the impact of energy prices on your bottom line is undeniable. It can be difficult to understand energy pricing for your business because rates are usually determined by usage, load factors, demand, weather, and overall market conditions.  That’s where having a robust energy buying strategy becomes more than a choice—it’s a financial necessity.

In addition, the volatility of energy markets means that a wait and see approach towards your energy procurement can result in potential unforeseen financial shocks. Price spikes, supply disruptions, and market fluctuations can catch unprepared businesses off guard, leading to diminished profitability. To avoid these pitfalls, a well-thought-out energy buying strategy is crucial. Let’s compare the three main types of energy purchasing strategies and dive into each’s offerings.

  • Fixed Price Solutions: You pay one fixed price per unit of energy that you use over a contract term. Meaning, you make one purchase decision for a set amount of months. This option gives you energy budget certainty, strong cost predictability, helps you mitigate risk, and ensures there will be no rate spikes. Consequently, you could potentially miss out on savings if markets were to fall and you’re locked in at your fixed rate for the contract term.
  • Index Price Solutions: Your rate fluctuates based on real-time market prices and your costs follow by moving up and down daily with market rates. This allows you to capture savings when markets go down and prices adjust automatically based on market swings. On the flip side, this could cause your budget to be unpredictable due to month to month price volatility  and potential seasonal price spikes.
  • Layered Solutions: This solution combines both fixed and index pricing strategies. A percentage or portion of usage is fixed, and the remainder follows variable market pricing. The fixed portion provides budget certainty and helps avoid price spikes in the market. This blend balances cost stability with market price awareness to enhance your savings.
energy buying strategy

Working with an Energy Professional

Energy industry experience, market knowledge, an efficient platform for price discovery, supplier liquidity and market strength, all contribute to making an informed decision about your energy buying strategy. Before diving into the market, businesses must understand their energy consumption patterns. Analyzing when and how energy is used and helping to identify potential areas for efficiency improvements will be beneficial to your energy supply procurement decision. The team at EnerConnex enables you to create a customized energy buying strategy based on your consumption, appetite for risk, and other unique needs and goals.

A well-executed energy buying strategy can lead to significant cost savings, improved budget predictability, and a competitive edge in a volatile market. In a world where energy is both a resource and a commodity, businesses that master the art of strategic energy procurement are better equipped to weather economic storms and emerge as industry leaders. So, as you navigate the complex landscape of your business’s financials, don’t overlook the powerhouse that is your energy bill. Unplug the unnecessary expenses and watch your profits soar.

Funding Your Energy Future: Solutions for cash flow positivity and CapEx avoidance.

EnerConnex is a leading energy advisory firm focused on energy procurement, renewables, and sustainability. With access to one of the largest supplier networks, a proprietary pricing platform, and extensive industry experience, we tailor energy strategies based on our client’s specific needs and sustainability goals.

EnerConnex is excited to announce our partnership with ECOSAVE to drive sustainable energy solutions for mid-to-large commercial and industrial end users. Ecosave has more than 20 years of engineering expertise reducing energy costs and carbon emissions through tailored efficiency, technology, and renewable solutions.

Energy infrastructure projects are often assumed to be cost prohibitive. Our flagship funding model- the Ecosave Service Agreement- provides clients with the capital to fully fund building upgrades and reduce operating expenses from day one. As an energy-as-a-service provider, Ecosave provides an off-balance sheet funding model so clients can innovate building infrastructure without capital or debt.

How You Benefit:

Wide-ranging solutions are customized, including:

·         Building upgrades with $0 outlay, debt or delay-funding is immediately available.·         As energy prices increase, your savings grow.
·         Guaranteed operational savings spelled out and contractually locked in.·         Ecosave optimizes equipment for the life of the contract.
·         Cash flow positive from day one- your savings exceed our fees.·         Ecosave and EnerConnex continues to serve as a single point of contact for all your energy needs.
·         Off balance sheet for capital expenditure avoidance.·         Measurable reduction of carbon emissions and operational expenditure. 
  • Energy efficiency optimization of existing infrastructure, from lighting to complex mechanical retrofits, upgrades, energy recovery, and replacements and optimization of process and production.
  • Renewable and onsite generation, including combined heat and power, geothermal, solar, and battery storage.
  • AI-driven data overlay to identify operational inefficiencies and provide predictive optimization and ongoing retro-commissioning.
  • Robust plant automation systems to intelligently enhance performance and efficiency, without compromising comfort, process, production, or security.

Partner with EnerConnex and ECOSAVE and start saving money and energy, guaranteed, with $0 upfront investment. Contact us today to get started!