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Effective Energy Demand Management

When it comes to energy procurement, demand management involves all the strategies and practices organizations can use to optimize the consumption and cost of energy — both for cost efficiency and sustainability.

What is an Energy Demand Response Program?

Demand response programs, or energy demand side management, are incentive-based initiatives offered by electricity companies to participants who voluntarily reduce electricity consumption during peak demands on the electricity grid. It aims to balance electricity supply and demand by encouraging businesses to reduce or shift their electricity usage during peak periods or in response to price signals.

While each program may be a bit different, here’s how they typically work for businesses:

  1. Consumers (commercial or industrial) enroll in a demand response program.
  2. When the electricity grid is experiencing high demand, the utility or grid operator sends a notification to enrolled participants.
  3. Upon receiving the notification, participants reduce their electricity consumption via manual adjustments, automated controls, or load management.
  4. Participants receive compensation for their reduction efforts. This can be in the form of direct payments, credits on their utility bills, or other financial incentives.

Participation is cost-free and risk-free. Not only can it decrease your energy bill, but it can also help improve your company’s commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency.

enerconnex demand management

Key Components of Demand Response and How It Works

There are a few essential components of Demand Response programs. It’s important to note that each program may work a bit differently; however, here are some typical strategies they employ:

  • Load shifting: Moving energy use to off-peak times when demand is lower and electricity is cheaper.
  • Load shedding: Reducing overall energy consumption during times of high demand.
  • Incentive programs: Offering financial incentives or lower rates to customers who reduce their energy use during peak times.
  • Real-time pricing: Implementing variable pricing based on the time of day or demand, encouraging users to consume less during expensive peak periods.
  • Automated demand response (ADR): Utilizing technology to automatically reduce energy use in response to grid conditions or price signals.

The Benefits of Expert Energy Management

Effective demand management creates countless benefits for both consumers (your business) and utility companies as a whole, which also trickle down to your organization in different ways.


Lower Energy Costs

By effectively managing energy demand, organizations can reduce their overall energy consumption and avoid peak demand charges, leading to significant cost savings.

Better Budgeting

Effective demand management helps organizations better predict their energy needs, making it easier to budget accurately and avoid unexpected expenses.

More Effective Contract Negotiations

Organizations with a clear understanding of their energy demand patterns can negotiate better terms with energy suppliers, potentially securing more favorable rates and contract conditions.

Reduced Carbon Footprint (Advantage Over Market Competitors)

Companies that manage their energy demand effectively can enhance their competitiveness in the market — not only by lowering operational costs but also by appealing to a new segment of clients or customers who prefer to do business with organizations intent on reducing their environmental impact.

Increased Grid Reliability

Reducing peak demand helps prevent overloading of the grid, reducing the risk of blackouts and ensuring a stable supply of electricity so your business, and others, can remain operational.

Enhanced Integration of Variable Renewable Energy

Demand management can help balance the variability of renewable energy sources like wind and solar, making it easier to integrate them into the grid.

The EnerConnex Advantage for Effective Demand Management

EnerConnex partners with you to learn about your energy management goals.

Next, we’ll utilize our best-in-class ECX Marketplace platform to find the best Demand Management option to fit your unique business needs.

Earn a recurring revenue stream by infrequently acting as an insurance policy for the grid.

Increase or decrease your contribution each year based on your evolving needs.

No penalties or fees! If you are not able to meet the full commitment you signed on for, you will still be paid for your energy saving effort.

What is an Energy Demand Response Program?

Eligibility for demand response programs can vary. However, there are a few points to note that are typical of most demand management programs:

Who is Eligible?

  • Commercial: Businesses, offices, and retail establishments with significant energy usage.
  • Industrial: Factories, manufacturing plants, and other industrial facilities with large, flexible loads.

Where Must You Be Located?

  • Service area: Participants must be located within the utility’s service area.
  • Target zones: Some programs may target specific areas within the service territory based on grid needs.

What Technology Do You Need?

  • Smart meters: Many programs require participants to have smart meters that provide real-time or near-real-time data on electricity usage.
  • Compatible devices: Participants may need to have or be willing to install compatible devices such as smart thermostats, load control switches, or automated energy management systems.


What Do I Need To Agree to and How Long Must I Commit For?

  • Consent: Participants must agree to the terms and conditions of the program, including allowing the utility or aggregator to send notifications or control certain appliances.
  • Commitment: Participants may need to commit to participating in a certain number of demand response events per year.

The above are meant to act as guidelines. Eligibility varies by electricity provider and may look different in your area. To learn more about demand response for new builds, visit the U.S. Green Building Council’s website or for more general information.

To discover whether your business is eligible for demand management and to get started, reach out to an energy consultant at EnerConnex today.