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What Does Energy Efficiency Mean to You?

Energy often represents one of the largest operating expenses for both commercial and industrial facilities. Investing in Energy Efficiency projects offer more than just savings or reduction in energy use and covers a gambit of projects and costs.

The types of Energy Efficiency Projects that are the most common are:

  • LED lighting retrofits
  • Replacing older HVAC equipment
  • Replacing mechanicals, such as motors & drives
  • Building automation and smart lighting controls

The goal for most projects focusses on reducing energy costs, however there are more benefits to various projects than one might think.  Energy Efficiency can also lead to:

  • Optimization of employee production
  • Optimization of space and process
  • Increased safety and security
  • Lower maintenance costs
  • Reduce Greenhouse emissions
  • Enhance brand reputation

Identifying Energy Efficiency projects is easy and EnerConnex can help you strategize and prioritize projects, so nothing interferes with your business’ day-to-day operations. Lighting retrofits are considered in the industry as low-hanging fruit since lighting projects tend to be less intrusive and can be completed without shutting down daily operations.

A lighting retrofit is simply an upgrade to existing fixtures or lamps. What makes lighting/LED retrofits one of the most common projects are:

  • Reduction of 30%-50% of your lighting operating costs
  • Utility Rebates and Incentives can significantly reduce the cost of a project
  • ROI is typically 2 years or Less
  • Significantly reduces Maintenance and bulb replacement costs-Average lifespan of commercial LED lights are roughly 25,000-50,000 hours
  • Significantly increases light quality, optimizing employee productivity and increased safety and security

EnerConnex can assist you with each step of your Energy Efficiency upgrade. From identifying, strategizing, and completing projects at one or all of your business locations, we are here to help! EnerConnex is pleased to announce that we can help you with your Energy Efficiency upgrades regardless of where you are located within the United States.

Reach out to us today to get started on your Energy Efficiency journey!