Spring has sprung! Make your spring season memorable by enjoying your favorite spring activities and helping keep yourself and others stay both safe and healthy with the tips below.

- Plant trees and large plants away from powerlines. You may be wanting to get a jump on planting new trees and greenery which is great. Be sure to stay clear of any powerlines that they may be near or grow near in the future.
- Wear sunscreen. It’s easy for us all to overlook that the sun is no safer in April than it is in July. Don’t wait until summer to put your SPF on.
- Stay away from down powerlines. While we are eager to get outside with the nicer temperatures, be aware of any down powerlines and keep yourself and others around you clear from them.
- Call 811 before you dig. Again, if you are planting any new trees or greenery, or maybe digging to start a new spring DIY project somewhere, call 8-1-1 before to dig (typically 12” or deeper) to ensure the safety of you and others.
- Flooding and high water levels. April showers may bring May flowers, but it can also cause high water levels. Whether coastal or inland, the spring is a time in which you may see overflowing creeks and other bodies of water in roadways. These are a serious hazard. Whether walking or driving, try to avoid any water in roadways.