The EnerConnex team is constantly monitoring energy market conditions to inform and advise our customers accordingly. As of late, with the market experiencing significant volatility, we continue to see sustained high prices for electric, natural gas and crude oil. In times like this, a common thought process is to wait until prices retreat before signing a new energy contract.

We are now experiencing the opposite of mid-2020 when we were advising our clients to capitalize on historically low energy pricing. Playing “the waiting game” in today’s markets can potentially put you between a rock and a hard place when your contract finally does expire. This can be a scary time for businesses worrying about the rising costs of operating their facilities, on top of other large inflation hits. There also is no guarantee that prices will retreat this year (or early next) given the current underlying supply/demand fundamentals. Given this current supply/demand situation, We will continue to work proactively with all of our clients to help them look to longer supply terms in search of some better buying opportunities where energy markets are near or even below historic averages.
You can access our weekly Market Intel Reports for the latest happenings in energy markets here. Also, you can contact us at to schedule a time to review one of our Market Updates with an EnerConnex energy expert.