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Balancing Energy Consumption and Customer Satisfaction in a Complex Market 

Many types of businesses, from cannabis cultivation facilities to hospitality and tourism, consume energy continuously. The caveat is that business owners are caught in a constant balancing act, trying to be more mindful of consumption — both for cost efficiency and climate change — while also maintaining customer satisfaction. 

Here, we’re discussing cost efficiency for businesses that run on a 24/7 schedule, why creating cost efficiencies matters, and how to become more energy efficient to achieve the perfect balance between greener practices and great service. 

Driving Cost and Energy Efficiency Across Diverse Industries 

There are two reasons why driving cost efficiency is important for businesses that run operations 24/7: 

Continuous Operation Means Continuous Costs 

When common energy consumers like HVAC systems, refrigeration, and lighting are running 24/7, that means they’re incurring costs 24/7. And unlike businesses with set operating hours, there is often no opportunity to shut down equipment — especially when doing so can compromise the product (cannabis) or client experience (a hotel). 

Small Savings Add Up Quickly 

While always-on facilities consume energy around the clock, there’s ample opportunity for small savings to add up over time. Reducing energy consumption, even by a fraction, can lead to substantial cost reductions on an annual basis. 

But, how can these businesses achieve the perfect balance? 

  • Competitive pricing: Partnering with an energy procurement service, businesses can secure competitive energy rates by leveraging the market expertise of their consultant and strategic purchasing strategies and tools. 
  • Budget predictability: Fixed-rate contracts can help stabilize energy costs to provide more predictable budgeting and cash flow management. 

Not only can this help businesses win over eco-conscious customers, but striving for sustainability offers ample opportunity to earn tax credits and other rebates

Fully Visible ROI Monitoring 

EnerConnex can deliver invaluable insight to help your business operate more sustainably and cost-effectively. When you have no choice but to weather the overhead that comes with always-on business operations, our consultants can help simplify utility management and provide immediate visibility into energy usage, spending, emissions, and ESG performance. 

Armed with that data, we’ll make expert recommendations on how to reduce energy costs and increase the use of renewables in your facilities to balance obligatory consumption with client and customer satisfaction. 

Want to learn more? Contact us today to discover how EnerConnex can help you meet your energy and sustainability goals.