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A Supplier Network That Works For You

Electricity and natural gas suppliers change their market-share targets on a regular basis, so their prices change every day.  Consequently, you never know who will be the lowest bidder on a given day. If you want to see the lowest price in the energy market, the best method would be to get every viable energy supplier to bid for your business. Through EnerConnex’s vast supplier network, we consistently get numerous suppliers competing for your business in a highly competitive marketplace. We orchestrate hyper-competitive events utilizing our tech-enabled platform, ECX Marketplace.

ECX Marketplace is the latest online energy procurement platform developed by the pioneers of the reverse auction technology. The platform design compels suppliers to deliver their lowest price as they compete to outbid the competition. The format shortens the amount of time suppliers can hold their bids open, which in turn reduces the supplier risk premiums embedded in the price resulting in lower bids.

ECX Marketplace was developed with the capability to manage complex energy products and pricing structures. Comprehensive bid reports can be extracted from the platform instantaneously for evaluation and reporting. EnerConnex has an extensive network of over 70 unique energy suppliers spanning North America resulting in increased competition and lower bids. 

Another significant benefit of working with EnerConnex and our broad supplier network is that it enables us to operate in all deregulated states and utilities. Not every supplier is licensed in all deregulated utilities, so having a vast supplier network guarantees us the ability to run completive events with all viable suppliers regardless the state, utility, or market.

Within the last year, we’ve executed 706 electric supply contracts with 35 unique suppliers across 16 states and Mexico for our customers. See below graph illustrating the breakdown of electric supply contracts and the different suppliers who won their business.

Within the last year, we’ve executed 118 natural gas supply contracts with 19 unique suppliers across 13 states for our customers. See below graph illustrating the breakdown of natural gas supply contracts and the different suppliers who won their business.

We truly enjoy working diligently with each of our customers to find the best supplier match for them, their business, and budgetary needs.  With volatile energy markets, having more options and trust with your energy consultant can be a game changer. Contact us today to get started or visit our website to learn more!