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Green Power Procurement Made Easy


EnerConnex has been procuring electricity and natural gas for industrial and commercial end users since the on-set of deregulation in the Northeast. While our footprint continues to expand, there has been a growing interest of folding in various percentages of REC’s or Green Power in supply contracts. Many industrial, commercial and institutional end users have varying levels of sustainability requirements so incorporating percentages of Green Power has become very common.

A large commercial consumer occupying multiple floors in a Chicago high-rise reached out to us to see if there was an opportunity for them to save on their operating expenses each month and explore all of their options. They also wanted to learn more about the electricity auction process, how it works and how it could potentially benefit them.


After connecting EnerConnex, this large commercial consumer not only discovered that they could get better pricing but could also take advantage of incorporating Green Power in their supply contracts at extremely low premiums.

Using ECX Marketplace platform, multiple scenarios were run. The results were great, yielding 8 unique suppliers placing bids for 0%,10%,50% and 100% Green electricity contracts for 12, 24, 36 and 48-month terms.


This new client obtained significant savings while off-setting their entire annual and term usage with a 100% Green Power contract. They signed a 48-month contract with an astounding 25% savings. Additionally, they were able to cover their entire annual and term load with 100% Wind Nationally Certified Green E Rec’s for a marginal premium of only $600.00 annually as compared to a non-green contract. If this client was to purchase these same REC’s on the open market, their cost would be close to double with the risk of escalating renewable costs for the duration of the contract.

How can this benefit you?

Our process can be uniquely tailored for commercial and industrial end users of any size with varying locations within any given deregulated utility. Our ability to secure low cost Green Power can be modified to fit any company or organization’s sustainability plans. Having one of the largest supplier networks in the industry allows all of our clients to see side-by-side pricing from every viable supplier. This results in our clients locking in at the lowest possible electricity and natural gas rates. Are you ready to see how we can help you?